Instagram: Swisssnkz


Campus 00's Black x Lanvin

Dies ist der Adidas Campus 00 mit von uns spezielle eingesetzten Schnürsenkel.

Da wir eine sehr hohe Nachfrage haben, wird das Produkt eine Lieferzeit von ungefähr 2-3 Wochen betragen.

Because we face a huge demand, it is possible, that the Product has a waiting time of 2-3 weeks.

*Please be aware that we cannot refund or return this product because its a modified product.

Campus 00's Black x Lanvin
CHF 189.00
36 / US 4
36 2/3 / US 4.5
37 1/3 / US 5
38 / US 5.5
38 2/3 / US 6
39 1/3 / US 6.5
40 / US 7
40 2/3 / US 7.5
41 1/3 / US 8
42 / US 8.5
42 2/3 / US 9
43 1/3 / US 9.5
44 / US 10
44 2/3 / US 10.5
45 1/3 / US 11
46 / US 11.5
Black / White
Sold Out
  • Important Information

    Due to the high demand of this Product, it is possible, that it takes 2-3 weeks until the shoes arrive at your door.

    We only accept Return or Replacements for unused shoes, as soon as you use the shoes, we won't return or exchange them.

    For all the custom pairs, we don't accept return or exchanges, unless the error or the mistake is on our site. The reason is, because we modify the Shoes and can't return them afterwards.